CAN Bus Analyser

CAN Bus Analyser is a mobile device for detailed CAN Bus analy­sis with volt­age lev­el diag­nos­tics. It enables to iden­ti­fy issues on the CAN Bus line on the very detailed level.

What is it?

Can Bus Analyser is a tool that enables to iden­ti­fy issues on the CAN Bus line on the very detailed lev­el. It process­es and records the ana­log sig­nal. It is designed and imple­ment­ed to be used in a mov­ing vehi­cle with remote access functionality.


  • Ana­log sig­nal sam­pling (unique pos­si­bil­i­ty to diag­nose non­con­for­mi­ties result­ing from volt­age lev­els and its disturbances),
  • Ana­log read­out and full record of the ana­log sig­nal with sam­pling rate upto 3MSa/s,
  • Huge mem­o­ry of 64GB+,
  • Mobile — small in size and weight (40/120/60 mm / 280 g),
  • Remote access over WiFi with the fol­low­ing func­tions: con­fig­u­ra­tion, start/stop of data acqui­si­tion, device sta­tus, CAN Bus statistics,
  • Small pow­er con­sump­tion — pow­ered from the CAN Bus,
  • On-board bat­tery installed,
  • Data acqui­si­tion start trig­gered man­u­al­ly, on-time basis, on-event basis (CAN Bus error detection),
  • Soft­ware sup­port for Windows/Linux/MacOS.

Spe­cif­ic needs regard­ing hardware/software pos­si­ble on request

Why did we make it?

Devices avail­able on the mar­ket lack some impor­tant features:

  • No pro­cess­ing on the volt­age lev­el. Avail­able devices per­form diag­nos­tics based on dig­i­talised data only. We analyse the volt­age samples.
  • In the case of volt­age non-con­for­mi­ties or inter­fer­ences no diag­nos­tics are avail­able. We flag such circumstances.
  • Lack of remote access dur­ing vehi­cle oper­a­tion. Our device can be installed very far away or in places with dif­fi­cult access and can be con­nect­ed to over WiFi.
  • Large size and pow­er con­sump­tion. We use the lat­est proven tech­nol­o­gy with empha­sis on low pow­er consumption.