
Embedded Software Development and Electronic Design

Inno­v­a­tive projects require a non-stan­dard approach and effi­cient solu­tions. We work with our cus­tomers to design, devel­op and imple­ment mod­ern solu­tions which help them in achiev­ing their busi­ness goals. We are spe­cial­ists in embed­ded soft­ware devel­op­ment, IoT solu­tions, soft­ware and elec­tron­ic engi­neer­ing and elec­tron­ic design.

What we do?

Embedded software development

Creating customisations of embedded software

Design of electronics for IoT

Designing new solutions of key firmware components for chipsets (ARM, Microchip, TI DSP)

Development of desktop applications with graphic user interface (GUI)

Developing of web applications for embedded platforms (Linux)

Creation of the process for embedded Linux image generation (Yocto)

Remote update of software

Developing of system or device simulators to be used for development or testing

Performing software validation services e.g. unit testing, system testing

Developing of test tools

Application performance tuning for standard and High Performance Computing architectures

Our technologies

Platforms: Embedded Systems, IoT, Digital Signal Processors (DSP), Desktop Systems

Operating systems: Windows. Linux (Debian, Yocto, WindRiver), FreeBSD, FreeRTOS, MPLAB Harmony, “bare metal”

Processors: ARM Cortex M (e.g. ST Microelectronics, STM), ARM Cortex A (e.g Raspberry Pi, Orange Pi, Parallella board), Intel x86/x64, Xeon Phi, Texas Instruments DSP, Microchip 8/16/32 bit, FPGA

Programming languages: Embedded C, Assembler, C++, Bash, JavaScript, Python, Django, HTTP/REST, AJAXVHDL

Tools: Visual C, Eclipse, MPLAB X, Code Composer Studio, gcc, clang

Peripherials: WiFi, BlueTooth, Ethernet, MMC/SD Card, GPSUSB

Communication protocols: USB, RS485, RS232, CAN Bus, I2C, SPIHDLC

GUI technologies: Qt, wxWidgets

Database integration: MongoDb, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server

Optimisation: High Performance Computing (HPC), Digital Signal Processing (DSP)

The “Eclipse” name and logo are the intel­lec­tu­al prop­er­ty of the Eclipse Foundation.

The “MPLAB X” name and logo are trade­marks of Microchip Tech­nol­o­gy Incorporated.

Qt is a trade­mark of the Qt Com­pa­ny Ltd and its subsidiaries.

Yoc­to Project and all relat­ed marks and logos are trade­marks of The Lin­ux Foun­da­tion. This web­site is not, in any way, endorsed by the Yoc­to Project or The Lin­ux Foun­da­tion.

Key benefits

Based on latest technologies

Rich in options and functions

Tested and verified in production environment